MD Burkhard Schlich
Specialist in internal medicine and cardiology
MD Burkhard Schlich was born in Wolfhagen near Kassel and grew up in the small town Naumburg in Nordhessen.
Acadamic studies of chemistry in Marburg an der Lahn and academic studies of human medicine at the FU Berlin received his medical degree in 1996 in Berlin, practicing internist since 2001, cardiologist since 2007.
Science: dissertation with focus on frontal lobe epilepsy at the FU Berlin. Participation in several studies in the angiology and cardiology sector.
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Section of internal medicine of the St. Joseph Hospital Berlin with focus on gastroenterology (Prof. Poralla). Care of patients with Diabetes mellitus at a specialised ward, sonography and endoscopy.
Section of internal medicine of the Franziskus Hospital Berlin with focus on angiology (Prof. Heidrich). Vascular ultrasound diagnostic.
Section of internal medicine of the DRK Hospital Westend with focus on cardiology with (MD Schoeller). Care of cardiological ill patients, cardiac function diagnostics, cardiac ultrasound, duplexsonography of all vessels, spiroergometrie, pacemaker implantations, intracardiac catheter examination, ICU, ER.
Occupation at the cardiological praxis of Dr. Toursarkissian in Berlin.
Since the 01/07/2008 practice for primary care, internal medicine and cardiology with Dr. Kai Schorn.
MD Kai Schorn
Specialist in internal medicine
MD Kai Schorn grew up in a small town near Hannover and gained first abroad experiences at Friendswood High School in Texas, USA. He earned a medical degree at the FU Berlin and inclusively attended several semesters of political science.
Clinical electives at Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (cardiac surgery), the Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center San Francisco (intensive care unit cardiac and thorax surgery, cardiac transplantation) and the practice for internal medicine MD C.H. Bossen in Berlin. Dissertation about correctiv surgeries of congenital heart disease, performed at the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin.
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Residency at DRK Kliniken Westend with focus on cardiology (CA MD R. Schoeller), gastroenterology (Prof. R. Büchsel). Particular training of cardiac ultrasound, pacemaker implantation, abdominal ultrasound and introduction of the intercardiac catheter technique. Participation in the education of diabetics. Practicing Internist since 2003.
Temporary working as medical consultant at the Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft. The job was focussed on the participation in nationwide recommendations for the treatment of chronic diseases (CHD, Diabetes, Asthma, and COPD). Furthermore activity in health-tecnology-assessment (HTA) and evidence based medicine.